Sherman IP is proud to introduce a new legal product component developed in our Control Legal® system that aligns with Sherman IP’s consumer facing, low cost, pay-as-you-go, limited scope legal practice.
Our newest Control Legal product, the “Single Flat Fee Trademark Filing Program”, is Sherman IP®’s fresh take on effective and affordable legal services. This new program will allow consumers to engage an expert trademark attorney at a prepaid flat fee for trademark application filings at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) up front for as far as they wish to go. We have taken our Control Legal® system to the next level and expanded it to include prepaying for legal services for one trademark application from the initial application filing through Registration! Our Single Flat Fee Trademark Filing Program provides predictability by eliminating surprise bills, while reducing consumer costs by tailoring the scope of work included with each engagement to what is necessary to accomplish the end goal: Trademark Registration. Through this program, clients don’t even pay for communications necessary for the authorized scope of work. Emails and telephone calls necessary to undertake the authorized work are all included. Many of these communications and systems are automated using Sherman IP’s patented systems. As part of our Single Flat Fee Trademark Filing Program, Sherman IP has developed four new tiers for trademark application filings – SIP CLASSIC™; SIP SILVER™; SIP GOLD™ and SIP PLATINUM™. Within each tier, clients are offered an opportunity to control the case, and the risk of further legal fees, by predetermining the cost and scope of legal work prior to filing. Our summary shown below highlights the difference between each tier.