(424) 229-6800
SHERMAN IP attorneys boast a legal experience base which encompasses the most sophisticated Intellectual Property proceedings.
A United States Patent is a federal government grant that allows its owner to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing into...
A trademark is a name, slogan, logo, design or other device (including a scent, color, or sound) by which a business identifies itself and its products or...
A Copyright protects an “original work of authorship,” such as a book, script, painting, photograph, song, video, computer software, fabric and furniture...
A Trade Secret is information that has economic value to a business through its secrecy or confidentiality. This can be proprietary information such as...
SHERMAN IP attorneys boast a legal experience base which encompasses the most sophisticated legal controversies and business litigation proceedings involving...
Corporations and entities that have Intellectual Property at the core of their business have added challenges when dealing with creating, marketing,...
The Internet has created a complex and fast paced global environment. You can reach people and territories previously unattainable by your business, and...
SHERMAN IP can serve as a legal umbrella for companies in all fields, in all areas that legal counsel may be requested or required. Our Outside General...
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