Ricki S. Sherman, Chief Morale Officer (CMO) Chief Morale Officer (CMO)
Duties and Expertise
Ricki is responsible for uplifting and maintaining the morale and welfare of everyone at SHERMAN IP. When she is in the office, her daily tasks include the enforcement and regulation of SHERMAN IP’s dog run and ensuring all the plants are alive and properly nourished. However, Ricki’s most important duty is to welcome people to any meetings she attends, patrol the office space and make certain all attorneys and staff are present. As the CMO, she established proper customs and courtesies so that a SHERMAN IP team member could never arrive or escape the office without saying hello. Ricki always guarantees a pleasant and effective work environment and welcomes all guests as if they were a part of the SHERMAN IP family.
Get TO Know Ricki
Ricki loves saying hi to everyone at the office and enjoys the company of the SHERMAN IP team. She enjoys getting her daily exercise in our own outdoor dog run, running up and down our stairs, and sun bathing in Ken Sherman’s office. On occasion, the CMO receives a bonus in the form of a toy or bone which is never guaranteed to last more than a few minutes. Ricki enjoys her water chilled and loves bringing a smile to the face of everyone at SHERMAN IP.