US TRADEMARK OFFICE REVISED TRADEMARK SPECIMEN EXAMINATION GUIDELINES; Examining Attorneys and Applicants now held to higher standards aimed at “maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the federal Trademark Register.”

The United States Trademark Office recently determined that existing trademark examination guidelines were lacking with respect to examination of specimens submitted with trademark applications. The Trademark Office has implemented revised, heightened examination guidelines for submitting specimens as part of its efforts to combat improper registrations, including those resulting from fake specimens ...

Fashion Can Function to Protect Your Business Using Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks. Original Designs Are Protectable, Even with Similar Styles in the Market.

At Sherman IP®, we regularly get clients complaining to us that their designs have been “ripped off”! Many clients believe there is nothing they can do about it. This belief is common in fashion industries such as clothing and textiles, footwear, handbags, jewelry, and accessories; this belief is also wrong. While general ...


Sherman IP is proud to introduce Control Legal™; Sherman IP’s consumer facing, low cost, pay-as-you-go, limited scope legal practice.  Control Legal™, which launched with the new year, is Sherman IP®’s fresh take on effective and affordable legal services. Control Legal™ allows consumers to engage an expert trademark attorney at a prepaid ...

USPTO Is Raising Trademark Governmental Fees Effective January 2, 2021 Sherman IP Will Reduce It’s Attorney Fees For All Trademark Filings Paid Before December 31, 2020 To Allow Clients To Acclimate to the New PTO Filing Fees

The United States Trademark Office has announced that it is increasing fees effective January 2, 2021. Sherman IP will absorb the fee increases for its clients through December 31st, regardless of whether filings need to be completed after the New Year in the hopes that it will allow clients to maintain ...

Assessing Patent Infringement Claims in Light of New Venue Restrictions

In May, the United States Supreme Court made it somewhat less expensive and easier for businesses to defend against what are often “strong-arm” patent lawsuits. The Supreme Court thereby made well-drafted patents, with strong claims and supportive specifications, much more valuable. At first glance, the Court’s decision in TC Heartland LLC ...